this here is just to list most notable and recent. once things start getting more full, a full history of the site's changes will be archived on the site's github page


  • mobile friendly version!! very important!
  • add cloud motif to container
  • create more blinkies
  • marquee of fandom buttons for about page
  • create shrings and worlds pages, use custom css for those
  • add music to pages
  • add tiling to sitemap so it looks decent at least


5.11.2024 : improvements to site functionality and display. added news section to homepage, created changelog about and sitemap, added some decorations to about and news section, added randomized header for most pages that will update on its own when i add more art.

5.10.2024 : site is up and running! but site is still under construction and will be for the foreseeable future. please hold tight!